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Noun1.gambling den - a public building in which a variety of games of chance can be played (operated as a business)
gambling hell, gambling house, gaming house
business enterprise, commercial enterprise, business - the activity of providing goods and services involving financial and commercial and industrial aspects; 'computers are now widely used in business'
building, edifice - a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place; 'there was a three-story building on the corner'; 'it was an imposing edifice'
casino, gambling casino - a public building for gambling and entertainment
business establishment, place of business - an establishment (a factory or an assembly plant or retail store or warehouse etc.) where business is conducted, goods are made or stored or processed or where services are rendered

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Central gambling den £5. The welcome bonus and spins must be wagered 35x times before the bonus or any winnings can be withdrawn. Stake central gambling den using bonus is £5. Skrill and Neteller deposits are excluded from this offer. Eligibility restrictions apply. Full T&Cs apply. Related WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch to new thesaurus Noun 1. Gambling den - a public building in which a variety of games of chance can be played (operated as a business) gambling hell, gambling house, gaming house business enterprise, commercial enterprise, business - the activity of providing goods and services involving financial and commercial and industrial.

gambling den

, gambling joint

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2. A sudden forcible entry into a place by police: a raid on a gambling den.
3. An entrance into another's territory for the purpose of seizing goods or valuables.
4. A predatory operation mounted against a competitor, especially an attempt to lure away the personnel or membership of a competing organization.
5. An attempt to seize control of a company, as by acquiring a majority of its stock.
6. An attempt by speculators to drive stock prices down by coordinated selling.
[Scots, raid on horseback, from Middle English rade, from Old English rād, a riding, road; see reidh- in Indo-European roots.]
Word History: Raid and road both descend from the Old English word rād, which meant primarily 'the act of riding' but could also be used specifically to describe an act of riding with hostile intent—that is, a raid. The ai in raid represents the standard development of the Old English vowel ā in Scots and the dialects of northern England, while the oa in road represents the standard development of Old English ā in the dialects of southern England. In the dialects of southern England, road retained its earlier senses of 'journey on horseback' and 'hostile foray' until the mid-1600s, when the modern sense 'public way' became the most common meaning of the word. Later, Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) helped popularize the northern form of the word, raid, through his collections of Scots ballads and his other writings. In the meaning 'a military expedition on horseback,' raid became part of the general vocabulary of English outside of Scotland and northern England. A trace of the earlier meaning of road, 'foray, raid,' can still be detected in the compound inroad, literally 'a riding or advance into.'


(reɪd) n
2. a surprise visit by police searching for criminals or illicit goods: a fraud-squad raid.
4. to sneak into (a place) in order to take something, steal, etc: raiding the larder.
[C15: Scottish dialect, from Old English rād military expedition; see road]


1. a sudden assault or attack, as upon something to be seized or suppressed: a police raid on a narcotics ring.
2. a sudden attack on an enemy, as by air or by a small land force.
3. an effort to lure away a competitor's employees, members, etc.
4. a concerted attempt of speculators to force stock prices down.
Gamblingv.t. v.i.
6. to engage in a raid.
[1375–1425; Middle English (north and Scots) ra(i)de, Old English rād expedition, literally, a riding; doublet of road]


An operation, usually small scale, involving a swift penetration of hostile territory to secure information, confuse the enemy, or to destroy installations. It ends with a planned withdrawal upon completion of the assigned mission.


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Past participle: raided
Gerund: raiding
I raid
you raid
he/she/it raids
we raid
you raid
they raid
I raided
you raided
he/she/it raided
we raided
you raided
they raided
Present Continuous
I am raiding
you are raiding
he/she/it is raiding
we are raiding
you are raiding
they are raiding
Present Perfect
I have raided
you have raided
he/she/it has raided
we have raided
you have raided
they have raided
Past Continuous
I was raiding
you were raiding
he/she/it was raiding
we were raiding
you were raiding
they were raiding
Past Perfect
I had raided
you had raided
he/she/it had raided
we had raided
you had raided
they had raided
I will raid
you will raid
he/she/it will raid
we will raid
you will raid
they will raid
Future Perfect
I will have raided
you will have raided
he/she/it will have raided
we will have raided
you will have raided
they will have raided
Future Continuous
I will be raiding
you will be raiding
he/she/it will be raiding
we will be raiding
you will be raiding
they will be raiding
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been raiding
you have been raiding
he/she/it has been raiding
we have been raiding
you have been raiding
they have been raiding
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been raiding
you will have been raiding
he/she/it will have been raiding
we will have been raiding
you will have been raiding
they will have been raiding
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been raiding
you had been raiding
he/she/it had been raiding
we had been raiding
you had been raiding
they had been raiding
I would raid
you would raid
he/she/it would raid
we would raid
you would raid
they would raid
Past Conditional
I would have raided
you would have raided
he/she/it would have raided
we would have raided
you would have raided
they would have raided - a sudden short attack
foray, maraud
air attack, air raid - an attack by armed planes on a surface target
penetration, incursion - an attack that penetrates into enemy territory - an attempt by speculators to defraud investors
embezzlement, misappropriation, peculation, misapplication, defalcation - the fraudulent appropriation of funds or property entrusted to your care but actually owned by someone else - search without warning, make a sudden surprise attack on; 'The police raided the crack house'
attack, assail - launch an attack or assault on; begin hostilities or start warfare with; 'Hitler attacked Poland on September 1, 1939 and started World War II'; 'Serbian forces assailed Bosnian towns all week' - enter someone else's territory and take spoils; 'The pirates raided the coastal villages regularly'
encroach upon, intrude on, obtrude upon, invade - to intrude upon, infringe, encroach on, violate; 'This new colleague invades my territory'; 'The neighbors intrude on your privacy'
maraud - raid and rove in search of booty; 'marauding rebels overran the countryside' - take over (a company) by buying a controlling interest of its stock; 'T. Boone Pickens raided many large companies'
take over, usurp, arrogate, seize, assume - seize and take control without authority and possibly with force; take as one's right or possession; 'He assumed to himself the right to fill all positions in the town'; 'he usurped my rights'; 'She seized control of the throne after her husband died' - search for something needed or desired; 'Our babysitter raided our refrigerator'
search - subject to a search; 'The police searched the suspect'; 'We searched the whole house for the missing keys'


1.steal from, break into, loot, plunder, ransack, pillage, sackThe guerrillas raided banks and destroyed a police barracks.
2.attack, invade, assault, rifle, forage(Military), fall upon, swoop down upon, reive(dialect)8th century Vikings set off to raid the coasts of Europe.
3.make a search of, search, bust(informal), descend on, make a raid on, make a swoop onFraud squad officers raided the firm's offices.

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1.attack, invasion, seizure, onset, foray, sortie, incursion, surprise attack, hit-and-run attack, sally, inroad, irruptionThe rebels attempted a surprise raid on a military camp.
2.bust(informal), swoop, descent, surprise searcha raid on a house by thirty armed police
3.sacking, break-in, robbery, looting, burglary, ransacking, pillaging, smash-and-grab(informal)He carried out a series of bank raids.


An act of invading, especially by military forces:
1. To make a surprise attack on:
2. To enter so as to attack, plunder, destroy, or conquer:
غَارَةهَجوم سَريع ومُفاجِئيَشِنُّ غارَةًيَغْزويقومُ بِغارَةٍ، يُداهِم
raidrazziaforetage en razziaforetage et raidforetage et raid mod
hyökätä yllättäenyllätyshyökkäys
napasti iznenadaprepad
gera innrás/rassíurassíataka úr, ræna
antpuolio dalyvisreidasreido dalyvissurengti reidą į
cuộc đột kíchtấn công bất ngờ


1. (into territory, across border) → incursiónf (into en) (on specific target) → asaltom (on a) to carry out or make a raid on sthasaltar algo
2. (by air) → ataquem (aéreo) (on contra) → bombardeom (on de) only five aircraft returned from the raidsolamente cinco avionesregresaron después delataqueorbombardeo
see alsoairD
3. (by police) → redadaf
a police raiduna redadapolicial
see alsodawn, drugC
4. (Brit) (by criminals) → asaltom (on a) a bank raidun asalto a un banco
there was a raid on the jeweller's last nightanoche fue asaltada la joyería
see alsoram, smash-and-grab raid
B.O Que Significa Gambling DenVT
1. (by land) [+ village] → asaltar; [+ territory] → invadir, hacer una incursión en
3. [police] → llevar a cabo una redada en
5. (fig) (hum) shall we raid the larder?¿asaltamos la despensa?
the boys raided the orchardlos muchachosrobaronen elhuerto
they raided deep into enemy territoryhicieronincursiones bien adentrados en territorioenemigo


(by police)descentef
a police raid → une descente de police
(= robbery) → cambriolagem
a raid on sth [+ bank, house] → le cambriolage de qch; [+ vehicle] → l'attaque f de qch
bank raid → braquagem de banque
There was a bank raid near my house → Il y a eu un braquage de banqueprès de chez moi.
an armed raid → un braquage
[police] → faire une descente dans
The police raided a club in Soho → La police a fait une descente dans un club de Soho.
[+ bank] → faire un hold-up dans
to raid the fridge (humorous)dévaliser le frigo


nÜberfallm; (Mil also) → Angriffm; (= air raid)Luftangriffm; (= police raid)Razziaf; (by thieves) → Einbruchm
(lit)überfallen; (police) → eine Razziadurchführen in(+dat); (thieves) → einbrechen in(+acc)


1.n (Mil) → incursionef; (by police) → irruzionef; (by bandits) → razzia; (by criminals) → rapina
2.vt (see n) → fare un'incursione in; (XXX) → fare irruzione in; (XXX) → farerazzia in, rapinare
the boys raided the orchard → i ragazzi hanno saccheggiato il frutteto


(reid) noun
a sudden, short and usually unexpected attack. The enemy made a raid on the docks; The police carried out a raid on the gambling den. strooptog هَجوم سَريع ومُفاجِئ набег tomar de assalto útok, přepad der Überfall, die Razzia raid; razzia επιδρομήincursión, ataque (äkk)rünnak, haarang حمله ناگهانی؛ یورش hyökkäys raidהתקפה धावा provala, racija rajtaütés menggerebek rassía raid, incursione, irruzione 急襲 급습 reidas, antpuolis reids; (pēkšņs) uzbrukums serangan aanval, overvalrassianapad, obława يرغل، چپاو، شزكه، لوټ، تاړاك، تاخت اوتاز assalto raid налет; облава útok, prepad nenaden napad prepad räd, razzia การจู่โจม baskın, saldırı 襲擊 раптовий напад; рейд اچانک حملہ cuộc đột kích 袭击
1. to make a raid on. The police raided the gambling club. klopjag doen يقومُ بِغارَةٍ، يُداهِم нападам tomar de assalto přepadnout eine Razzia machen foretage et raid; foretage en razzia κάνω επιδρομή, εισβάλλωhacer una redada; atacar por sorpresa haarangut tegema یورش بردن؛ ریختن به محل خاص hyökätä faire une descente dans לִפשוֹט छापा मारना izvršiti raciju rajtaüt menggerebek gera innrás/rassíu (fare un'incursione in) 急襲する 급습하다 surengti reidą į iebrukt; uzbrukt menyerang aanvallen, overvallengjøre en rassia zrobić najazd/obławę/nalot na يرغل كول، تاړاكول، تاخت او تاز كول assaltar a face o razie/o descin­dere совершать налет, облаву prepadnúť napraviti racijo izvršiti raciju göra en räd (razzia) จู่โจม baskın yapmak 襲擊 робити наліт, облаву چھاپہ مارنا đột kích 袭击

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2. to take things from. I'm hungry – let's raid the fridge. stroop يَشِنُّ غارَةً извършвам набег assaltar vyloupit überfallen, plündern plyndre λεηλατώasaltar, atracar tühjendama دستبرد زدن tyhjentää faire une razzia לִפשוֹט धावा बोलना opustošiti kifoszt menyerbu taka úr, ræna (saccheggiare) あさる 식품을 훔쳐 먹다 nusiaubti pārmeklēt; izkratīt serbu plunderenplyndre, ranezaatakować, ogołocić يرغل كول assaltar a rade tot din опустошать vykradnúť, vyrabovať opleniti opustošiti plundra ปล้น ...- den almak 從...翻找東西 спустошувати دھاوا بولنا lục lọi 从...拿东西
ˈraider noun
The raiders burned down all the houses. stroper مُغير нападател assaltante nájezdník der Plünderer tyv επιδρομέαςasaltante; ladrón ründaja مهجم؛ یورش برنده ryöstäjä pillardפושט, תוקף छापामार napadač, pljačkaš támadó, fosztogató penyerang ræningi razziatore 侵略者 급습 užpuolikas, antpuolio/reido dalyvis reida/uzbrukuma dalībnieks; sirotājs penyerang overvallenplyndrer, røver najeźdźca یرغل کوونکی assaltante invadator налётчик útočník, zlodej napadalec napadač deltagare i räd, angripare ผู้จู่โจม akıncı, yağmacı 襲擊者 учасник набігу; рейдер چھاپہ مارنے والا người đột kích 袭击者


غَارَة, يَغْزو nálet, vyplenit foretage et raid mod, raid

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Überfall, überfallenεπιδρομή, κάνω επιδρομήasaltar, asalto hyökätä yllättäen, yllätyshyökkäysattaquer, raid napasti iznenada, prepadincursione, irrompere 襲撃, 襲撃する 급습, 급습하다inval, overvallenplutselig angrep, raidenajazd, najechaćincursão, invadirналет, совершать налет göra en räd, räd การจู่โจม, จู่โจมbaskın, baskın yapmak cuộc đột kích, tấn công bất ngờ搜捕
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